a man and a woman sitting at a table using a laptop

Corporate Compliance Plus 


Our Corporate Plus package includes vital services that are required to be performed and maintained by healthcare organizations. This package primarily includes access to our OIG Exclusion List service, and our business associate and vendor tracking. We also include our Medical Assistant Credentialing course, if you have not already added it to your account. Adding Corporate Plus to your account removes a tremendous amount of burden placed on your organization and will free up your time to spend on more critical tasks.

CORP. PLUS Includes:

a close up of an animal


Healthcare Compliance Pros (HCP) recognizes, that in the ever-changing, increasingly burdensome world of CMS physician payment programs, you might need extra education and support. Our MIPS Plus program provides both exclusive educational materials and leading edge tools to help your organization achieve success in CMS’ MIPS program.
Nurses helping patient

Coding Plus

Healthcare Compliance Pros is excited to bring our decades of compliance and billing management experience to the coding process. With the “Coding Plus” program. HCP has formalized services we are already providing to our clients and brings our highly regarded service professionals into your coding audits.