Compliance Webinars
HIPAA Health Data Privacy & The Right of Access
(On Demand)
The HIPAA Privacy Rules for patient data appears to be at odds with OCR Right of Access Requirements: It's a balancing act! Join this educational webinar for real-world stories that deal with protected health information (PHI). Discover how to maintain health data privacy with HIPAA compliance tips and learn what healthcare organizations should do to protect against unnecessary fines.
7 Fundamental Elements of an Effective Compliance Program
(On Demand)
Do you know and understand your compliance requirements? Join HCP and learn about the seven elements that make up an effective compliance program that is audit-proof.
Cybersecurity & Compliance
(On Demand)
Organizations and people everywhere need to know how to navigate the cyber world safely and effectively. Still have questions of how this can affect your organization's overall compliance? Find out more by joining our Cybersecurity & Compliance webinar led by compliance experts.
Good Faith Estimates and Requirements
(On Demand)
How to Navigate the No Surprises Act
(On Demand)
If you have doubts about determining what steps your organization needs to accomplish in 2022 to ensure compliance with the No Surprises Act, then this webinar is for you. Discover helpful information curated for healthcare professionals about how to comply with the No Surprises Act for 2022.