Emergency Medical Treatment and Active Labor Act (EMTALA)
Course Details:
- Category: Facility Management
- Duration: 30 minutes
- Target Audience: All Employees
Course Overview: The Emergency Medical Treatment &
Active Labor Act (EMTALA) is a federal law that regulates how hospitals treat
patients with an emergency medical condition or women who are in active labor
without consideration of insurance coverage or ability to pay. Included in this
training is what EMTALA requires hospitals and healthcare professionals to do
under the law.
Training Includes:
- Defining EMTALA
- Provisions of the Law
- Covered Emergency Medical Conditions
- Pregnant Women
- Obligations under EMTALA
- Permitted Patient Transfers
- Refusing Treatment
- Physician obligations
- Emergency Room Patients
- Ambulance Services Regulations
- Penalties for Violations
- Civil Liability and Malpractice
- Enforcement Process