Medical Assistant Credentialing
Duration: 3 hours
Target Audience: Medical Assistants
Course Overview: To meet Meaningful Use requirements, under the Medicare and Medicaid EHR incentive programs, medical assistants are required to be credentialed. Only credentialed medical assistants are permitted to enter the laboratory, medication, and radiology orders into the EHR. Upon completion of this course, Medical Assistance will be able to show proficiency and demonstrate it in the necessary areas to meet the requirements of Centers for Medicare And Medicaid Services (CMS) Meaningful Use criteria found under 42 CFR Parts 170, 412, 413, and 495.
Training Includes:
Benefits of Electronic Health Information
Certified Electronic Health Record Technology (CEHRT)
HIPAA Privacy and Security Rules
Patient Portals
Health Information Exchange (EHI)
Clinical Decision Support
Patient Histories
Taking and Documenting Accurate Vital Signs
Communicable and Infectious Diseases
Ordering/Scheduling Laboratory Testing
Ordering/Scheduling Radiology Exams