CMS Medicare Fraud and Abuse Prevention
Course Details:
- Category: Corporate Compliance
- Duration: 45 minutes
- Target Audience: Organizations that provide health or administrative services to Medicare enrollees must satisfy general compliance and FWA training requirements.
Course Overview: To combat fraud and abuse, organizations
must know how to protect themselves from engaging in abusive practices and
violations of civil or criminal laws. This course includes information provided
by the Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS) and provides training
and tools to help protect the Medicare Program, patients, and your
Training Includes:
- Defining Fraud and Abuse
- Medicare Fraud and Abuse Examples
- Types of Improper Payments
- Federal Civil False Claims
- Anti-Kickback Statutes (AKS)
- Stark Law
- Criminal Health Care Fraud Statute
- Civil Monetary Penalties Law
- Physician Relationships with Payers
- Accurate Coding and Billing
- Proper Physician Documentation
- Conflict of Interest Disclosures
- Government Agencies and Partnerships Dedication in Preventing, Detecting and Fighting Fraud and Abuse
- Health Care Fraud Prevention and Enforcement Action Team
- Reporting Suspected Fraud
- Fraud and Abuse Resources