Human Resources Series
The Upskill For Your Workforce Training Courses

Active Shooter Awareness
Course Details:
Duration: 45 Minutes
Target Audience: All Employees
Course Overview: Incorporating an active shooter incident plan must now be part of every healthcare facility's agenda and emergency management plan. Healthcare facilities that are not compliant with OSHA recommendations can be held legally liable for any injuries or deaths that occur during an active shooter incident. Several lawsuits have already been filed in court that have accused the facilities of inadequate security or negligence. Active shooter events in healthcare facilities have unique challenges such as hazardous materials, including infectious disease, locked units (mental health), and a large vulnerable patient population.

Active Shooter for Non-Clinical Groups
Course Details:
Duration: 30 Minutes
Target Audience: All Business Associates
Course Overview: Incorporating an active shooter incident plan must now be part of every healthcare facility's agenda and emergency management plan. Healthcare facilities that are not compliant with OSHA recommendations can be held legally liable for any injuries or deaths that occur during an active shooter incident. Several lawsuits have already been filed in court that have accused the facilities of inadequate security or negligence. Active shooter events in healthcare facilities have unique challenges such as hazardous materials, including infectious diseases (mental health), and a large vulnerable patient population. This training covers administrative and HR responsibilities, recognizing potential workplace violence, types of active shooters, guidelines to survive active shooter situations, emergency action plans, and more.

Back Safety Awareness
Course Details:
Duration: 30 Minutes
Target Audience: All Employees
Course Overview: Twisting, reaching, slips, falls, and improper lifting techniques can all cause back injuries to employees. This training focuses on the things that can be done to minimize the risks to your employees' backs such as proper lifting techniques, knowing the common causes of injuries, and back exercises.

Conflict Resolution & Respect in the Workplace
Course Details:
Duration: 60 Minutes
Target Audience: All Employees
Course Overview: In the healthcare industry with so many types of people from different backgrounds, abilities, and needs coming together it can be difficult to always keep things running smoothly. Especially in the fast-paced, often stressful healthcare world. This training develops employees in their understanding of the process of conflict resolution, including how to be responsive, sensitive, and empathetic to fellow coworkers, patients, and people in general to foster a positive, successful, and respectful workplace.

Crisis Management Training
Course Details:
Duration: 30 Minutes
Target Audience: All Employees; Administrators
Course Overview: Crisis management is the process by which an organization deals with sudden emergency-type situations that often threaten the organization itself, employees, clients, or patients. A crisis can occur in several forms, such as natural disasters, technical breakdowns, workplace violence, organizational misdeeds, etc. This training provides the necessary guideline for organizations to have prior to a crisis happening, including how to identify, prepare, and respond to crisis situations.

Customer Service Skills
Course Details:
Duration: 45 Minutes
Target Audience: All employees who interact with patients and/or customers directly
Course Overview: Retaining customers and patients is vital to the success of an organization, including healthcare. Ensuring employees are providing the best customer service is not only a sign of professionalism, but it also is important for the reputation of the organization and for the retention of customers. This training is a must-have for all organizations to ensure their employees are projecting quality customer service.

Effective Communication Training
Course Details:
Duration: 30 Minutes
Target Audience: All Employees
Course Overview: In a healthcare setting, being an effective communicator requires a range of communication skills that can be used in a variety of situations with patients and coworkers. Effective communication is a learned skill that requires us to adapt to different needs and is essential for teamwork, decision making, and problem-solving.

Ergonomics in the Office Environment
Course Details:
Duration: 60 Minutes
Target Audience: All Employees; All Office Workers
Course Overview: Under the OSHA General Duty Clause, Section 5(a)(1), employers have an obligation to keep the workplace free from recognized serious hazards, including ergonomic hazards. This training provides safety tips and guidelines on proper ergonomics in the workplace, to prevent possible injuries and promote a safe environment.

Harassment & Discrimination in the Workplace
Course Details:
Duration: 90 Minutes
Target Audience: All Employees
Course Overview: Harassment is illegal when it is so frequent or severe that it creates a hostile or offensive work environment or when it results in an adverse employment decision (such as the victim being fired or demoted). It can involve verbal, physical, or visual conduct and can occur on or off the worksite, and the victim and/or harasser can be of any position, gender, age, etc. This training is for employees to be able to understand to be able to define, describe, and/or list the following aspects of workplace harassment.

Human Resources Basics
Course Details:
Duration: 45 Minutes
Target Audience: All Employees
Course Overview: This training can be used to include the specifics of your organization's Human Resource employment handbook including important office policies, procedures, guidelines, and expectations. This training is organized into five categories, Human Resources, Respect in the Workplace, Work Hours/Payroll, Time Off/Benefits, and Resignation and Termination.

Medical Records Management
Course Details:
Duration: 60 Minutes
Target Audience: Administrators; Employees working in Medical Records and Retention
Course Overview: Records management is the systematic control, maintenance, storage, and disposition of recorded information kept in any media. This training is for employees to gain proficiency in the requirements in their role working in records management. Including the types of records, and how they are used, stored, accessed, destroyed, or permanently retained.

New Hire Checklist & Hiring Packet
Course Details:
Duration: 45 Minutes
Target Audience: New Employees
Course Overview: This training is for the human resource departments to use while hiring and on-boarding new employees. Such as new hire forms, screening documents, payroll information, background checks, hiring guidelines, introductions to the work environment, benefits, and more.

Preventing Sexual Harassment in the Workplace
Course Details:
Duration: 2 Hours
Target Audience: All Employees
Course Overview: All employees should have the expectation of working in a safe environment, including one that is free from sexual harassment and discrimination. Sexual harassment is a broad term that includes unwanted sexual advances, and requests for sexual favors, sexual harassment isn't necessarily always sexually suggestive in nature. Sexual harassment can be verbal, physical, nonverbal, or visual, and the harasser or victim can be of any gender, sex, race, or age. Sexual harassment is completely preventable, and all employers should take steps to ensure that they are offering a safe work environment for all their employees. Certain cases of sexual harassment are considered illegal, and employers can be held liable. Several states are now recommending, if not requiring employers to have mandatory sexual harassment prevention training provided to all their employees.

Recognizing & Preventing Human Trafficking
Course Details:
Duration: 45 Minutes
Target Audience: All Employees
Course Overview: Human trafficking is a major, and growing problem around the world and in the United States. The U.S. Trafficking Victims Protection Reauthorization Act defines trafficking as "the recruitment, harboring, transportation, provision, or obtaining of a person for labor or services, through the use of force, fraud, or coercion for the purpose of subjection to involuntary servitude, peonage, debt bondage, or slavery." Those working within the healthcare system must be trained on how to identify, recognize, respond, and prevent human trafficking.

Workplace Violence Prevention
Course Details:
Duration: 60 Minutes
Target Audience: All Employees
Course Overview: Employers should be concerned and continually committed to the health and safety of employees, and therefore should not tolerate violence in the workplace. Workplace violence is any physical assault, threatening behavior, or verbal abuse occurring in a work setting -- i.e., anything from shootings to obscene phone calls to harassment. This training is for employees to know how to de-escalate potentially violent situations, recognize when an individual may turn violent, and when to enlist help.
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